Debbie Szajna |


Director, Assurance & Business Advisory Services

The perpetual student.

Debbie’s secret to staying youthful is simple, but not easy: Never stop learning. At any given moment, she’s studying a new language (right now it’s German), practicing a new instrument (currently the piano), or learning to see the world through the eyes of her grandkids.

It’s no surprise that the part of her work she most enjoys is the chance to learn something new, every day — even after more than 20 years in her career — and to pass along what she’s learned to those around her.

  • Siena Heights University, B.A.
Professional Associations
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • The Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants
  • Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants

Connect with Debbie

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